Композитные ремонтные системы Belzona
Разработанные в компании Belzona композитные ремонтные материалы со 100%-ным содержанием твердого вещества способны восстанавливать несущую способность изношенных и перфорированных труб , резервуаров, емкостей и другого оборудования.
What makes us different?
Cost Effectiveness
- Belzona repair composites offer a cold curing solution that can be quickly applied in situ for a fraction the cost of conventional repairs, ensuring significant savings in time, and money. Compared to conventional repairs and maintenance techniques such as replacement, our Belzona materials provide a quick return to service, avoiding the need for downtime and production losses.
Ease of Use and Safety
- Belzona repair composites are solvent free, easy to use and cure at ambient temperatures. They eliminate the need for hot work, making them as safe as possible to use.
- Many of our products are suitable for contact with potable water, meeting ANSI/NSF Standard 61, UK WRAS and other national and international standards.
- Belzona SuperWrap, our composite pipe repair system, complies with ASME PCC2 Article 4.1, ISO 24817 and US DOT requirements.
- Belzona repair composite materials provide excellent corrosion protection with proven resistance to a wide range of chemicals and heat, therefore offering long-term solutions.
Why does it work?
- These specially engineered Belzona cost effective and user friendly solutions, will not only prevent erosion-corrosion, but can also extend assets life without the need of hot work, optimizing the efficiency and reliability of the equipment.
- Belzona repair composites solutions offer the following characteristics:
- High adhesion
- Eliminate dangerous hot work
- Durable
- Electrical isolation
- No shrinkage
- Rapid return to service
Due to the operation conditions and complex geometries, pipes, vessels and tanks can suffer from internal erosion-corrosion and external environmental attack which compromises the performance of the equipment.
Environmental Damage
These problems can have costly implications, including:
- Poor performance
- High operating costs
- Unplanned outage
- Shorter service life
- Frequent maintenance expenses
It is therefore essential for industrial maintenance professionals to find the appropriate solution to repair their pipes, vessels, tanks, and equipment. Our repair composites provide worldwide proven solutions for these maintenance problems.
What can the Belzona solution do?
Belzona Composite Repairs can provide structural strengthening to affected pipes, vessels and tanks, reducing the impact on productivity. Belzona solutions eliminate the dangers of hot work and are proven to be adaptable to complex geometries.
Maintenance Challenges
Along with replacement, conventional repair methods, including welding, are not always suitable due to equipment design and operating conditions. In addition, hot work can increase hazard risk and extend downtime periods. Reducing the cost of equipment replacement and outages is key for industrial maintenance departments.
Selection of Belzona composites
With a worldwide Distributor and Consultant network, Belzona technical personnel will be able to diagnose the problem, recommend the most effective composite solution and supervise the application. Different composite solutions can be offered for:
- Thin wall or through wall defects
- In service application to hot surfaces (from ambient temperature up to 150°C/302°F)
- Abrasion and erosion resistance
- High temperature
- Surface tolerance to oil or water
- Химическая стойкость
- Emergency repairs reduced downtime
- Extend life for large applications
Belzona has seen composite repairs increase dramatically, as operators seek to minimise running costs. With over 60 years of experience, Belzona systems and technologies have minimised the effects of erosion-corrosion and chemical attack, whilst at the same time improve safety, reliability and operating performance.
To find out more about Belzona products, please contact one of our technical support Consultants or your local Distributor for information.